Are you ready to reveal Christ and worldview principles in your curriculum?
The PAQ Method is a biblically-integrated instructional approach designed to equip teachers to reveal Christ and worldview principles in every subject.
Colossians 1:15-17 tells us that Christ is in and through all things of creation. Based on this truth, The PAQ Method shifts biblical integration to a revealing process rather than an adding process.
Using the PAQ Method, teachers create learning experiences where students analyze scripture and collaborate in critical thinking to discover biblical truth in every subject.
What Is The PAQ Method?
PAQ Stands For: Purpose | Assumptions | Questions
PAQ is an acronym for the three strategies used to reveal worldview principles in content. The scope and sequence of curriculum in a classroom will lend itself to applying these strategies in various instances:
- The P Strategy establishes the biblical purpose or foundational principle of the unit.
- The A Strategy engages students to connect and compare worldview assumptions exposed in the content with biblical worldview assumptions.
- The Q Strategy prompts students to ask questions about ethical choices or life application based on biblical principles.
“Look-For” Guidance: Application of any of these strategies is guided by 6 key elements (what Transformed PD calls “Look-Fors”). Our unique “Look-For” rubric is integral for successful unit planning and classroom instruction. These “Look-Fors” guide teachers in how to provide classroom instruction so students can apply a biblical filter to analyze the ideas and concepts of the curriculum.
The PAQ Method Offers:
- Three Strategies for revealing worldview principles in content: Purpose, Assumptions, Questions.
- Five Steps to build unit planning and classroom instruction—ensuring students are engaged in worldview thinking and analysis.
- Six “Look Fors” to guide teachers on providing instruction that equips students to analyze ideas and concepts biblically. Even kindergarten students can be taught developmentally appropriate ways of thinking biblically.

The PAQ Method Training Process
Training for PAQ:
- is based on the discipleship model Jesus used to prepare his twelve closest followers for ministry
- Includes research-supported best practices for professional development: direct instruction, modeling, discussion, collaboration, and practice
- is rolled out in two phases
Phase I
- A small group of teachers is trained in the PAQ Method for Christ-centered teaching.
- Next, this group of teachers is trained in how to be Instructional Coaches for Christ-centered instruction.
- These newly-trained Instructional Coaches for Christ-centered instruction coach each other one time per nine weeks with the support of a Transformed PD team member.
Phase II
Phase II focuses on training the full faculty in the PAQ Method for Christ-centered teaching:
- Instructional Coaches for PAQ partner with a teacher to be coached. Coached teachers teach a Christ-centered unit and are coached one time per nine weeks.
- The rest of the faculty work together in collaborative groups to teach one Christ-centered unit per nine weeks with follow-up reflection and feedback discussions.
- Transformed PD walks with Instructional Coaches through Phase 11 to ensure progress and success.

Typically the full training plan lasts 1.5 school years with the overall plan for every teacher to participate in a coaching partnership within 3 years.
Click below to discuss scope and needs for your school’s PAQ Training program.
PAQ New Teacher Training
NOTE: New Teacher training is only for clients who have been through the full PAQ training course.
Transformed PD is proud to also offer PAQ New Teacher Training: a flexible, self-led training package reviewing all the basics of The PAQ Method. This setup is ideal for introducing new faculty and administrators to the method. We recommend implementing this training for new teachers in the second semester of school to allow new teachers to feel more at ease in their day to day and classroom practice.
This fully-digital package is only available to schools that have already gone through the full in-person PAQ Training sessions.
The PAQ New Teacher Training package includes:
- 5 Video Training Sessions
- 10 Digital Participant Playbooks*
- 1 Digital Facilitator Guide
- A user-friendly dashboard to access all materials
- Support from a Transformed PD team member
- A year-long membership allowing faculty to learn on a flexible timeline
The PAQ New Teacher Training program is available for purchase for $2,000.
Click below to begin, request PAQ New Teacher Training today!
*Additional participant playbooks downloads are available for $25 each. Please purchase one playbook per teacher.
NOTE: New Teacher training is only for clients who have been through the full PAQ training course.