New ACSI Publication “Leading Insights” Released With Annie Gallagher Contribution
August 3,2023 The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) released its monograph publication titled Leading Insights:Biblical Worldview and Spiritual Formation featuring Transformed PD’s Dr. Annie Gallagher as a contributing author.

Biblical Conversations About Summer Reading-“Teach Them Diligently”
Summer reading clubs and programs offer a great, natural way to engage your son or daughter in conversations that can promote an understanding of a biblical worldview and develop critical

Planning Professional Development Like a Gardener
Mid-May and early June traditionally mark the end of the school year and graduation ceremonies and celebrations. Early May brings with it an important milestone for many Kentuckians. The first

Who Grew This Year? What Successful Professional Development Looks Like
Instructional leaders! Educators! Anyone who is involved in teaching others! The school year is just about complete, and summer break is appearing in your scope of vision. It is the

Professional Development – A Journey of Learning
“Mom! Is that our tire rolling past us on the highway?!” That frantic discovery by my daughter as we drove home from the equestrian competition with horses in tow characterized

The End Goal of Christian Education
“Be fishers of men” was the end goal of the three-year learning plan implemented by Jesus. Jesus kept the goal in front of the disciples at all times. All learning